Mikee Dayrit | Personal Website

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hello, my beautiful friends. I’m Mikee, and welcome to my world of musings.

It’s always good to have an audience, but I started this website mostly for myself; to document my life and my thoughts, and to maintain this motivation to try new things and write about them. I am anything if not a writer, as I’ve learned.

I’ve always been someone who writes. I’d be sitting next to someone in bed, and they’ll give me this look, and all of a sudden something boils inside me— this urge to get a pen and paper, or open the Notes app in my phone, and then write something down. And in that, a secret universe is built. I’m excited to explore those universes in a bit more detail, and hopefully to an audience of like-minded people.

What to Expect

In this website, I’ll be having a series called Five Senses, which I stole from the Wake Up with Jim and Saab podcast (which is the best podcast in the Philippines, BTW). In it, they talk about things that they’re seeing (films or books), touching (activities or items they have bought, or “budols,” as we Filipinos call it), hearing (music), and tasting (mouth-watering food). This helps me be more proactive in seeking things that delight my senses, and share them with you.

I’ll also have a series of my Musings about anything and everything under the sun, really. Think of it like an Opinion piece, but much more personal. Right now, I’m writing about how a five-worded lyric in this beautiful song sent me down a (good kind of) spiral for days on end.

Lastly, learning is something that I take very seriously these days, and so I’ll be having a Self-Education section in this website. I was not always like this. I always just went in the direction the wind blew me, but this time around, I’m actively learning new things to a) build my career in Financial Crime; and b) enhance my life outside of it with hobbies. It’s exciting. A single book can send you down a universe of endless possibilities; learning an instrument can open pathways in your mind that you never even knew existed. The world is both our library and our canvas, and I’m excited to paint all over it.

See you on the other side!